Welcome to the underworld of whiskers and claws. The Kitty Mafia is notorious for ruling the streets with cunning purrs and silent steps.
Learn MoreKnown for orchestrating the Great Tuna Heist of 2024. Distinguished by his white paws and permanent scowl. Reward: 1000 cans of premium cat food. Last seen napping in various sunbeams across the city.
Master of stealth and infiltration. Can squeeze through any gap wider than her whiskers. Wanted for multiple counts of midnight food bowl robberies. Extremely dangerous when hungry.
Notorious for his furniture destruction racket. Leaves no couch unscratched. Easily identified by his signature move: maintaining eye contact while slowly pushing items off tables.
Controls the entire catnip trade in the tri-state area. Known for her distinctive heart-shaped nose and ability to charm her way out of any situation. Approach with treats.
Head of the hairball placement division. Specializes in strategic 3 AM zoomies and carpet claw-enforcement. Warning: Extremely vocal during interrogations.